Important Notice: ElephantSQL is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

News and tips

Manage instance access with Access Control List (ACL)

To further manage and secure your instances, we’ve added the ability for you to set team members permissions with ACL.

Meet the DBA team behind ElephantSQL

As the year winds down, the team behind ElephantSQL want to take the opportunity to wish you a happy new year! During the past year, we have worked hard to meet our customers' wishes, and we are continually working to improve and simplify the use of ElephantSQL.

ElephantSQL - Your professional DBA in the cloud

ElephantSQL is hosted by PostgreSQL experts with several years of DBA PostgreSQL experience. We provide 24/7 support to all customers on paid plans.

PostgreSQL v10 at ElephantSQL

Read about new feature added into v10 of PostgreSQL

Part 3.3 Databases for beginners - PostgreSQL and Ruby

Part 3.3 of Databases for beginners. Tutorial and example source codes for Ruby and the client library Sequel.

Part 3.2 of Databases for beginners - PostgreSQL and PHP

Part 3.2 of Databases for beginners. Tutorial and example source codes for PHP.

Part 3.1 of Databases for beginners - PostgreSQL and NodeJS

Part 3.1 of Databases for beginners. Tutorial and example source codes for NodeJS.

Difference between shared and dedicated plans

This article explains the difference between shared and dedicated plans in ElephantSQL. Find out which plan option will work best for you! Dedicated plans provides a complete PostgreSQL server, while a shared instances gives you a database on a shared PostgreSQL server.

Backups API

List, download, create and restore from backups through our fresh Backups API.

Centralize your logs

You're now able to ship your PostgreSQL logs from ElephantSQL dedicated instances to Papertrail, Splunk, Loggly and Logentries!