Important Notice: ElephantSQL is shutting down. Read all about it in our End of Life Announcement

Plan changes for ElephantSQL free instances

Written by Elin Vinka

Daily backups will no longer be performed on the ElephantSQL free instance (Tiny Turtle). It’s still possible to create backups on demand and to use the API to create a backup. This action will heavily decrease the load, and therefore increase the reliability of shared plans at ElephantSQL. Please note: Only databases on the free plan will be affected by this limitation.

We’re happy that a lot of customers are using our free ElephantSQL plan Tiny Turtle, and we have seen a huge increase in the number of created instances. Though, performing daily backups for every created instance becomes a time-consuming task when there are thousands of databases to backup. And especially since a lot of the created instances on our free clusters are used only for testing. We have therefore decided to remove daily backups from our free instances.

Please note: The backups are still running as previously for all paying customers.

Daily backups will not be created starting on Wednesday (2019-11-27). It is still possible to run on-demand backups from the ElephantSQL control panel. In the event of a hardware failure, it is still possible to restore the state of the database, since we are still running base backups and WAL streams.

How do I perform backups from the ElephantSQL API?

More information on how to perform backups from you ElephantSQL API can be found here:

Let us know if you have any question!

The ElephantSQL team